Are you a ticket holder and want a chance to strut your stuff at Magical Majestic Music Festival?
We are about it! Let’s just get a few things out the way:
- These will be day time slots.
- This is not a pay to play thing. This is for folks who wanted to come and enjoy themselves anyway. Please DO NOT buy your ticket just so you can DJ.
- If the remaining day slots are not filled, booked DJs will likely give folks a chance to hear what they missed last night.
- Filling out this form only puts you at the top of the list. Slots will be assigned in this order, Saturday, Friday, then Sunday. DO state if you’re not attending all days. But know that saying you’ll only be there Saturday won’t help, because it’s first come first serve.
- We are going off the ticket purchase date + completion of this form as a guide.
- Nothing is guaranteed. WE ARE NOT DOING THIS TO SELL TICKETS. Please look at this as another fun activity at an event you already wanted to be at. If it doesn’t happen, or it does and you don’t like something, by signing up for this you agree to bring your best version and leave any complaints or negativity far far away from our happy place we are trying to enjoy together. (please) 🧙❤️🧙💫😊
- We love you!